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WordPress security and why it’s so important

WordPress security and why it’s so important

WordPress security and why it’s so important

home / Archives for February 2023

If you’re running a WordPress website, security should be at the top of your priority list. Even if you have just one site, it’s important to make sure it is secure and protected from malicious attacks. Here at Pedalo, we understand that WordPress security can seem like an intimidating task but with the right measures in place, it doesn’t need to be!

First things first, why is WordPress security so important? Let us break down some of the most common threats that could target your WordPress website:

  • Malware & Viruses: Malicious computer programs can infect your system and cause damage to your files or data.
  • Brute Force Attacks: This is an automated attack designed to break into your website by guessing passwords.
  • Data Theft: Hackers can gain access to sensitive data stored on your site, such as customer information or financial records.
  • Phishing Scams: Attackers may try to trick you into giving them access to your system by sending fake emails that appear legitimate.

These are just a few of the potential threats out there and if left unchecked, they could cause serious harm to both your business and customers. That’s why it’s so important for WordPress site owners to take steps towards securing their websites. Here are some tips for getting started with WordPress security:

  • Keep Your Software Up To Date: Make sure all software (including WordPress itself) is regularly updated with the latest versions in order to keep attackers from exploiting any outdated vulnerabilities.
  • Use Strong Passwords & Two Factor Authentication: Implementing strong passwords and two factor authentication will help protect against brute force attacks while also making it harder for hackers to guess user credentials.
  • Install Security Plugins & Firewalls: Installing plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri can help detect malicious activity on your site and block malicious requests before they reach the server level. Additionally, setting up firewalls can further protect against potential attacks by blocking certain types of traffic from entering your network.
  • Monitor Activity Regularly : It’s vital that you monitor activity on a regular basis in order ensure nothing suspicious is happening behind the scenes! You should also regularly review logs and audit trails in case something does go wrong. This way you’ll be able to identify any suspicious behaviour quickly and take action accordingly.

At Pedalo we understand how daunting WordPress security can seem at first but these tips should get you off on the right foot! With proper measures put in place, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that both yourself and customers are protected when using your website or online store powered by WordPress

Ensuring WordPress sites are up to date with the latest core and plugin upgrades

Ensuring WordPress sites are up to date with the latest core and plugin upgrades

Ensuring WordPress sites are up to date with the latest core and plugin upgrades

home / Archives for February 2023

When it comes to keeping your WordPress website running smoothly and securely, one of the most important things to consider is making sure all of your plugins are up to date with any available updates. Manually updating each plugin can be a time-consuming process and if you don’t have the correct process, it can also be risky just updating them on the live site. The core WordPress files and also some themes will require updates on an ongoing basis too. As such keeping on top of plugin updates often gets overlooked by busy site owners. That’s why Pedalo offers an automated plugin update service that makes it easy for WordPress users to keep their site installations current without having to worry about doing it themselves.

Pedalo’s automated plugin update service does the hard work for you by checking your installed plugins and WordPress files daily against its database of the latest versions available from each respective developer or publisher. When new updates become available, our system automatically downloads them and applies them directly into your WordPress site, so you don’t have to do anything yourself! This ensures that all of your plugins and the core WordPress installation remain up to date with the latest security patches and bug fixes released by developers, on a daily basis, helping to protect against potential vulnerabilities and security risks.

Plus, Pedalo also provides comprehensive reporting on which plugins were updated and when they were last checked so you can easily track any changes made over time. Also, if something goes wrong during an update (like a compatibility issue between two different versions), our support team is immediately alerted every evening, and they will be on hand to resolve any issues quickly and efficiently.

Keeping your WordPress site secure shouldn’t be complicated or stressful – let us handle the technical details while you focus on creating great content!

Sign up today for Pedalo’s automated plugin update service and start enjoying peace of mind knowing that all of your plugins stay safe & up to date!